March 2020
Women's Ministry: "Health Benefits of Plants" March 14th Special Speaker Dawn Pike
Bible Study: Upon request. Talk to an elder to express your interest
Prayer Warriors: Please send prayer requests to Dawn Pike. If you would like to be part of the prayer team, please let us know. We will put you in the network.
Take HIM to the Streets: - contact Sister Gloria at 409-828-0527
Food Pantry Distributions: February 25th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Contact Sister Gloria for more information 409-828-0527
Bottled Water Ministry: Third week of every Month! Volunteers always welcomed!
Personal Bible Studies: We have many personal Bible studies in progress. See Johnny Barnett to get involved in either delivery, pickup, grading or study with Bible study students.
Prayer Warriors: Please send prayer requests to Gloria Harper. If you would like to be part of the prayer team, please let us know. We will put you in the network.
COMING SOON! Care Groups in March.

Additional Events